My name is Lisa Maclean and the reason I can get my clients great results is because I’ve been in the Pain Cycle myself… Now it sounds ridiculous but even while I was rehabbing clients and elite athletes I ended up with a back injury. Specialist told me I need surgery. In and out of weekly appointments until I woke up to myself and got myself back on track. FRUSTRATING to say the least!

I’ve ignored injuries and pushed through only to end up more injured. Waited for that "One" appointment to fix me to end up right back where I started again.

And because I’ve made all the mistakes, felt the frustration and the emotional rollercoaster that follows. I now know what works. That’s why I can help you.

I realize that each person has unique needs and no two journeys will look alike.

I realize you’re going to slip up. That mentally sometimes you’ll want to give up or start beating yourself up.

I realize you may even be scared to start something new and get outside your comfort zone.

That is why I create programs for real people that meet their individual needs.

I’m more than just a ton of certifications. My knowledge is from real world experience, dealing with real people just like you!

I look forward to helping you on your journey!