Learn To Treat Yourself, Improve Your Movement
and Beat The Pain At Home!
This is for you if:
You want to stop the weekly PAIN APPOINTMENTS
Wasting time & money on weekly appointments
Trouble sleeping, low energy, aches & pains, stuck in pain-cycle
I have designed a Step by Step Guide to improve
Your Biomechanics
What does this mean?
My Biomechanics Program is a Step by Step process based on
Muscle dysfunction & Imbalances
GAIT issues
Alignment, Mobility & Stability issues
By understanding exactly what you are doing will bring complete clarity to why you are doing each movement
Walking is the most used movement each and every day. If your walking pattern is 1% dysfunctional it will send out a ripple affect to the connection of your muscles.
If you have never had your GAIT assessed then you need to change your journey.
Inside REBUILD YOUR MOVEMENT I will personally be assessing your GAIT and noting what we need to work on.
Modules plus exercises to help you understand the "WHAT" then Step By Step video's for you to grasp the hang
of the "HOW"
If you aren't walking correctly then what are you doing correctly?
When you are inside the PAIN CYCLE and going to your weekly sessions, the main focus is:
Working on the Site Of Pain &
Creating Mobility
This will bring you a couple of days relief before you are back to where you started!
Each section will be focusing on the particular muscle groups that needs attention. By getting this wrong and treating the incorrect muscle will mean you stay inside the PAIN CYCLE
Start Right To Finish Right!
My simple trademark has 8 factors
involved with each section.
Inside each MODULE you will create complete CLARITY for focus and with SPECIFIC exercises means you can target the specific areas and eliminate the guesswork!
Did you know that muscular dysfunction can cause more pain then a broken bone?
Broken bones will heal within a 6 week period, muscular dysfunction will continue to spread throughout the body when left untreated or worse still, treated incorrectly!
My theory is "If you don't know why you are doing something, then why are you doing it"
I DO NOT let this happen! Consistency comes from Clarity, Focus comes from awareness and Motivation is driven from results.
I have been in the PAIN CYCLE myself and my own back injury. I understand what needs to happen to get out of pain and keep moving for quality of life!
The Combination Of Different Techniques and Knowing You Have 24/7 Support Brings Faster Results and Obviously Gains Confidence.
You must be learning to create change!
Use my REBUILD YOUR MOVEMENT System and Start Eliminating Pain to
Move Free and with Complete Control
💥Access To My Amazing Facebook Community
💥Monthly Group Coaching to accelerate your results
💥Treat yourself At Home with Step By Step Guides
💥GAIT Assessment
💥Understand Your Biomechanics
💥Better Mobility = Move Freely
💥Control your Pain = Confidence
💥Complete Clarity & Focus
💥Stronger and Stable Body
💥Specific Modules with Specific Targeting Exercises
💥A "Toolbox" for Long lasting Results
💥Lifetime Access